BEC of polar molecules

Bose-Einstein Condensate of polar molecules! Obtained by evaporating NaCs molecules with two-color microwave shielding. Sebastian Will's lab (Columbia).
Nature 631, 289-293 (2024)

Testbed for few-body physics

Review paper on ultracold chemistry as a testbed for few-body physics with Michał Tomza and Jesús Pérez-Ríos.
Nature Physics 20, 722 (2024)

Shielding bosonic molecules

First microwave shielding and cooling of bosonic molecules to the coldest temperatures yet (~30 nK)
Nature Physics 19, 1579 (2023)

Imaging dipolar collisions

Collisions between polar molecules imaged over four decades of collision energy!
Science 379, 6636 (2023)

Microwave field-linked states

Ultracold molecules with controllable dipole-dipole interactions and "field-linked" scattering resonances!
Nature 614, 59 (2023)

Sticking in electric fields

Ultracold molecules stick together for five orders of magnitude longer when a small electric field is applied.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 243401 (2022)

Evaporative cooling

Microwave shielding enables efficient evaporative cooling of NaK molecules.
Nature 607, 677 (2022)

Hard-collision glory scattering

Unexpected forward scattering in molecular collisions with large amounts of energy transfer.
Nature Chemistry 14, 664 (2022)


Dr. Tijs Karman

  • 2021-
    Assistant professor, Radboud University Tenured June 2022
  • 2018-2021
    Post-doctoral fellow, ITAMP, Harvard NWO Rubicon grant and ITAMP fellowship
  • 2017-2018
    Post-doc, Durham University, with Jeremy Hutson
  • 2013-2017
    Ph.D., Radboud University, with Gerrit Groenenboom

BEC of molecules outreach

Press release IMM and Columbia.
Dutch language New Scientist, and NTvN.
Popular scientific Physics Today, Scientific American, Popular Mechanics, Science Daily, New Scientist, and Science et Vie.
News notes Nature News, EurekAlert, NSF News.
Podcast Nature.
YouTube Prof. Lemeshko.
Radio FranceInfo.

See also previous single-field microwave shielding.

Computer codes available

Open source computer code is available through gitlab. This currently contains our code for the computation of the density of states and photo-excitation rate of molecule-molecule collision complexes.


Publications in the Theoretical Chemistry database
Publications in Google Scholar

B.Sc. and M.Sc. thesis projects

Please send me a message if you are interested in opportunities for a bachelor's or master's research project in chemistry or physics.

Positions available!

Interested? Send me an email.