Category:Symbolic Logic

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Symbolic Logic is based on the description of the world using symbols that represent parts of the world. In other words Symbolic Logic is based on the decomposition of the world into components parts.

Symbolic logic uses Axioms that describe the representation of the world. Axioms are learnt based on observing the world.

We perceive the world through our senses. Our minds process the data from our senses to create a model of the world in terms of objects (that may be represented by symbols). Symbolic logic starts with this symbolic representation of the world.

Topic Description
Learning Infer rules that describe the world (axioms).
Analysis Work out the consequences of those rules (derive theorems) and check for consistency.
Decision Apply theorems to solve problems.

[edit] Relationship to Mathematics

Mathematics may be regarded as a consequence of the symbolic logic. Symbolic logic describes an approach to analyzing the world. Mathematics is the result of human endeavour in this area.

While Symbol Logic is the starting point. Mathematics goes beyond that to consider the consequences of various sets of axioms.

[edit] Other Approaches

Symbolic Logic may be contrasted with the Quantative Modelling. Quantative Modelling starts of with a general probalistic model, which is parameterised by a set coefficients. Coefficients are then adjusted to give the best fit with the world.

[edit] Links

Pages in category "Symbolic Logic"

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