Cuppen Research Group
Mobility in Molecular Layers
Welcome to the website of the Cuppen Research Group.We have recently started as a new group within the Theoretical Chemistry Department of the Institute for Molecules and Materials at the Radboud University Nijmegen.
We collaborate with the Solid State Chemistry group of IMM and the Sackler Laboratory of Astrophysics for experimental verification.
Please look around to learn more about our research and us.
Kinetics in Soft Molecular Layers
— from interstellar ices to polymorph control —
My main research lines centers around the investigation of molecular mobility in solid layers by a truly multidisciplinary approach: combining the expertise from crystal growth, astrophysics, and chemistry. We aim to answer long standing questions in the context of two cross-disciplinary applications: the formation and evolution of interstellar ices and the solid state transition from one crystal structure — polymorph — to another. The first is important for fundamental questions dealing with the origin of life, specifically concerning the delivery of molecules — like H2O, CO2 and organic molecules — to habitable planets. The second application is of great interest to the pharmaceutical industry where polymorph control is crucial. The polymorphic form controls the solubility of the compound and is therefore key in dose determination. The goal of the investigation is to obtain an understanding of mobility in molecular layers on the molecular level in order to (i) understand the processes in interstellar ices leading to the meeting of two reactive species, (ii) identify the trapping mechanisms in interstellar ices, (iii) predict which molecules can survive in ices in the harsh environment of star and planet forming regions, (iv) determine which processes are fundamental to polymorphic conversion, and (v) design a way to inhibit or promote polymorphic conversion. I propose to study the mobility in molecular layers using a combination of simulation techniques. The fundamental difficulty is to cover processes that take place over a large range of timescales: from picoseconds to years. Advances in numerical simulations have only recently made this research possible. Using Molecular Dynamics and Monte Carlo simulations we will study the interactions and processes in molecular layers on different lengthscales and covering a timescale range of roughly 20 orders of magnitude. This ambitious research project will be carried out in the Institute for Molecules and Materials at the Radboud University in Nijmegen, but will also benefit from existing and new collaborations with local, national and international colleagues.
Shining light on molecules
This research is part of the Dutch Astrochemistry Network and is in collaboration with the Sackler Laboratory for Astrophysics where the experimental part will be carried out.
This 4 yrs PhD project studies the photoprocessing of interstellar ices both from an experimental and theoretical point of view. Dedicated UHV experiments are performed in which ices are irradiated with broadband UV light, simulating the interstellar radiation field. A new experimental setup MATRI2CES (Mass Analytical Tool for Reactions in Interstellar ICES) will become operational in the second half of 2010 and this setup has the unique feature that it will be able to study ice reaction products in situ and in real time. A new detection scheme allows studying also larger and complex species. The focus of this project is on the formation of new molecular species through reactions of photo-fragments. Special in this project is the combined experimental/theoretical approach.
The goal of the theoretical part of the project is to simulate the evolution of photoprocessing of ices in different environments. Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations are performed to simulate the photochemistry in the ice and to extend conclusions beyond boundaries that are directly accessible in the laboratory work, i.e. extrapolating basic parameters to astronomical environments and timescales. Moreover, we aim to compose a simple description of ice photoprocessing that can be used in astrochemical models. Most of the current astrochemical models to simulate grain chemistry do not consider the structure of the ice and ignore any layering or structural effect. However, it was recently shown that the structure of the ice is central to the reactivity [1-3] and lifetimes of molecules in the ice. The Monte Carlo technique includes this layering and will still be able to describe the photochemistry of interstellar ice at astronomical timescales.
Molecular hydrogen formation on interstellar grains
Many of the molecules that have been observed in the ISM in the gas phase, following detailed laboratory and observational searches, are believed to form on dust particles, rather than in gas phase reactions. I use lattice-gas Monte Carlo simulations to study the surface reactions on such grains. Two temperature regimes have been examined: low temperatures (10-30 K) where H atoms are physisorbed to the grain and higher temperatures (> 100 K) where the atoms are chemisorbed to the grain. For the latter I used a graphite surface as a template for the interstellar grains. Until now I have mainly concentrated on the formation of molecular hydrogen. We tuned the surface roughness and included pulsed heating of the grains by photon adsorption. In both cases, the detailed study led to interesting, and sometimes surprising, insight on the influence of the physical parameters on reaction processes. In contrast to interpretations of experiments, I could obtain H2 under interstellar circumstances by using ``bumpy'' surfaces, which resemble grains more closely than the flat samples used in the laboratory.
For the chemisorption regime we recently developed a model for H2 formation on a graphite surface in warm conditions. The graphite surface acts as a model system for grains containing large areas of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon structures. This model was tested against three independent experimental observations which are well reproduced. The model was then used to obtain a new description of the H2 formation rate as a function of gas temperature that can be implemented in molecular shock models.
Name | Room number | Phone number | E-mail |
Dr. Herma Cuppen | HG03.041 | 53035 | H.Cuppen |
Dr. Alexander Atamas | HG03.609 | 52596 | A.Atamas |
Dr. Simone Tatoli | HG03.609 | 52596 | S.Tatoli |
MSc Leendert-Jan Karssemeijer | HG03.609 | 52596 | L.Karssemeijer |
MSc Joost van den Ende | HG03.609 | 52596 | J.VanDenEnde |
MSc Eduardo Monfardini Penteado | HG03.609 | 52596 | E.Penteado |
MSc Thanja Lamberts | HG03.609 | 52596 | T.Lamberts |
BSc Jolijn Onvlee | HG03.610 | J.Onvlee |
Postal address
Radboud University Nijmegen
IMM - Faculty of Science
P.O. Box 9010
6500 GL Nijmegen
The Netherlands
Visiting address
Huygens building
Heyendaalseweg 135
6525 AJ Nijmegen
The Netherlands
E-mail address
Radboud University Nijmegen
IMM - Faculty of Science
P.O. Box 9010
6500 GL Nijmegen
The Netherlands
Visiting address
Huygens building
Heyendaalseweg 135
6525 AJ Nijmegen
The Netherlands
E-mail address
Personal details
- Name: Dr. H. M. (Herma) Cuppen
- Date and place of birth: 17/06/1977 in Nijmegen
- Nationality: Dutch
Scientific and educational experience
- 01/02/2011
- Tenure track researcher at the Institute of Molecules and Materials
- 01/10/2009-30/09/2010
- Postdoctoral researcher at the Leiden Observatory, extention previous position
- 01/10/2009-30/09/2009
- Postdoctoral VENI researcher at the Leiden Observatory, Leiden University on Ïnterstellar physics on the rocks; Monte-Carlo simulations of ice mantles"
- 01/09/2004-31/08/2006
- Postdoctoral researcher at the Ohio State University with Prof. Eric Herbst
- 2000-2005
- Doctorate at Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen (cum laude); title of thesis: Theory and simulations of crystal growth - Fundamental steps in morphology prediction -; Supervisor: Prof. Elias Vlieg
- 1995-2000
- Doctoraal (Master's) in Chemistry at University of Nijmegen, specialization: Crystal Growth and Chemometrics
- 1989-1995
- Gymnasium-VWO, Kandinsky College, Nijmegen (preparatory scientific schooling) exams in: Dutch, English, German, Ancient Greek, Mathematics-A, Mathematics-B, Physics, Chemistry and Biology
- Dutch Crystal Growth Award (Kristalgroeiprijs) 2005 for best PhD thesis in the field
- Selected in BLVD top 100 of most promising women 2007
Research Funding
- VIDI; role: PI;
- ERC Starting Grant; role: PI; start date: 01/02/2011; end date: 31/01/2016
- 1 PhD student in the Dutch Astrochemistry Network; role: co-supervisor;
- Marie Curie ITN application for FP7 "Laboratory Astrochemical Surface Science In Europe" role: Investigator; start date: 01/02/2010; end date: 31/01/2014
- VENI fellowship from the physics division of NWO (Dutch science organization); role: PI.; start date: 01/10/2006; end date: 30/09/2009; title:`Interstellar physics on the rocks; Monte-Carlo simulations of ice mantles'
Organisational experience and networks
- Chair Scientific Organizing Committee of International Summerschool "Infrared Astronomy and Solid State Astrochemistry" to be held in 2012 in the Netherlands
- Outreach coordinator ITN "Laboratory Astrochemical Surface Science In Europe"
- Education coordinator Dutch Astrochemistry Network
- Dutch representative to Working Group 2 (`Heterogeneous Chemistry') of EU COST Action CM0805 `The Chemical Cosmos: Astronomical Environments'
- Member of the ISSI project 2007: "A new generation of databases for interstellar chemical modeling in preparation of Hershel Space Observatory (HSO) and Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA)"
- Chair Scientific Organizing Committee of International Meeting "Interstellar Surface: from Laboratory to Models" 6-10 October 2008, Leiden, Netherlands
- Local Organizing Committee of Midwest Theory meeting, June 2006, Columbus, OH, USA
Referee activity
Referee for Astrophysical Journal Letters, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Journal of Physical Chemistry, Surface Science, Journal of Crystal Growth, CrystEngComm, Physica Status Solidi, and Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.Teaching experience
- Lecturer at Nordic-NASA Summerschool on "Water, Ice and the Origin of Life in the Universe" (Iceland 2009)
- Lecturer at Graduate Course for Theoretical Chemistry and Spectroscopy (Han-sur-Lesse, Belgium 2008)
- Teaching assistent for multiple topics including "Statistical Thermodynamics", "Chemistry and Society" and "Computational Chemistry"
- Supervision of several master (4) and graduate students (2)
- "Pre-doctorale lerarenopleiding": Two months course on teaching chemistry to secondary school students including an internship.
Outreach activity
- Member of `Spiegelbeeld' (`Mirror image') by VHTO (Dutch organization that promotes women/girls in technical professions)
- "Pre-doctorale lerarenopleiding": Two months course on teaching chemistry to secondary school students including an internship.
- Participation to Open Days.
List of invited talks and seminars
- Seminar, FOM Institute Rijnhuizen, 19 November 2009 (Nieuwegein, The Netherlands)
- Seminar, Eindhoven University of Technology, 15 October 2009 (Eindhoven, The Netherlands)
- Seminar, Radboud University Nijmegen, 12 October 2009 (Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
- Seminar, University of Nottingham, 18 September 2009 (Nottingham, United Kingdom)
- Seminar, University of Leeds, 17 September 2009 (Leeds, United Kingdom)
- Seminar, University of Manchester, 16 September 2009 (Manchester, United Kingdom)
- Summer school Astrobiology, June-July 2009 (Iceland)
- Winter school Theoretical Chemistry, December 2008 (Han-sur-Lesse, Belgium)
- Seminar, Max Planck Institute for Astronomy (Heidelberg, Germany, Nov 10-12) Title: Surface processes on interstellar grains: linking laboratory data with models and observations
- Ohio State University, 22 September 2009 (Columbus, OH, USA) Title: Kinetics of surface processes in interstellar environments
- Seminar, Leiden Institute for Chemistry, June 4 (Leiden, Netherlands) Title: Kinetics of surface processes
- ISSI team meeting for HSO and ALMA, 2-4 December 2008, (Bern, Switzerland). Titles: Overview Lorentz Center workshop and H2 formation on stochastically heated grains
- Interstellar Surfaces: from laboratory to models, 6-10 October 2008, (Leiden, Netherlands). Title: Microscopic simulations of grain surface chemistry
- ISSI team meeting for HSO and ALMA, 7-10 January 2008, (Bern, Switzerland). Title: Uncertainties in stochastic simulations
- Seminar, 30 October 2007, Universiteit Groningen (Groningen, Netherlands). Title: Monte Carlo Simulations of Interstellar Surface Chemistry;
- New Astronomical Challenges for Surface Science, 13-15 June 2007, (Edinburgh, United Kingdom). Title: Monte Carlo Simulations of Water Ice
- Seminar, 8 May 2007, Universität zu Koln (Cologne, Germany). Title: Monte Carlo Simulations of Interstellar Surface Chemistry
- Seminar, 14 March 2007, Å rhus University (Å rhus, Denmark). Title: Monte Carlo Simulations of Interstellar Surface Chemistry
- Molecular databases for Herschel, ALMA and SOFIA, Lorentz Center Leiden, 6-8 December 2006, Lorentz Center, (Leiden, The Netherlands). Title: Monte Carlo Studies of Surface Chemistry
- Seminar, 22 May 2006, The Radiation Laboratory of the Notre Dame University (South Bend, USA). Title: Surface chemistry in space
- Seminar, 17 February 2005, Radboud University Nijmegen, (Nijmegen, Netherlands). Title: Surface chemistry in interstellar clouds
Constructed by the Theoretical Chemistry Literature Database
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- Digging into the friction reduction mechanism of organic friction modifiers on steel surfaces: Chains packing vs. molecule–metal interactions
N. S. Villa, L. Bonoldi, G. Assanelli, M. Notari, A. Lucotti, M. Tommasini, H. M. Cuppen, and D. R. Galimberti
Trib. Int., 195, 109649 (2024) [doi] - Digging into the friction reduction mechanism of organic friction modifiers on steel surfaces: Chains packing vs. molecule-metal interactions
Nicolo S. Villa, Luicia Bonoldii, Giulio Assanelli, Marcello Notari, Andrea Lucotti, Matteo Tommasini, Herma M. Cuppen, and Daria R. Galimberti
Tribology International, , 109649 (2024) [doi] - Detection of the elusive dangling OH ice features at 2.7 μm in Chamaeleon I with JWST NIRCam
J. A. Noble, H. J. Fraser, Z. L. Smith, E. Dartois, A. C. A. Boogert, H. M. Cuppen, H. J. Dickinson, F. Dulieu, E. Egami, J. Erkal, B. M. Giuliano, B. Husquinet, T. Lamberts, B. Maté, M. K. Mcclure, M. E. Palumbo, T. Shimonishi, F. Sun, J. B. Bergner, W. A. Brown, P. Caselli, E. Congiu, M. N. Drozdovskaya, V. J. Herrero, S. Ioppolo, I. Jimenez-serra, H. Linnartz, G. J. Melnick, B. A. Mcguire, K. I. Oberg, G. Perotti, D. Qasim, W. R. M. Rocha, and R. G. Urso
Nature Astron., , (2024) [doi] - Detection of the elusive dangling OH ice features at 2.7 μm in Chamaeleon I with JWST NIRCam
J. A. Noble, H. J. Fraser, Z. L. Smith, E. Dartois, A. C. A. Boogert, H. M. Cuppen, H. J. Dickinson, F. Dulieu, E. Egami, J. Erkal, B. M. Giuliano, B. Husquinet, T. Lamberts, B. Maté, M. K. Mcclure, M. E. Palumbo, T. Shimonishi, F. Sun, J. B. Bergner, W. A. Brown, P. Caselli, E. Congiu, M. N. Drozdovskaya, V. J. Herrero, S. Ioppolo, I. Jimenez-serra, H. Linnartz, G. J. Melnick, B. A. Mcguire, K. I. Oberg, G. Perotti, D. Qasim, W. R. M. Rocha, and R. G. Urso
Nature Astro., , (2024) [doi] - Mechanism of Phase Transition in DL-Methionine: Determining Cooperative and Molecule-by-Molecule Transformations
S. Ghasemlou and H. M. Cuppen
ACS Omega, 9, 3229 (2024) [doi] - Resonant infrared irradiation of CO and CH3OH interstellar ices
J. C. Santos, K. Chuang, J. G. M. Schrauwen, A. Traspas muiña, J. Zhang, H. M. Cuppen, B. Redlich, H. Linnartz, and S. Ioppolo
Astron. Astrophys., 672, A112 (2023) [doi] - An Ice Age JWST inventory of dense molecular cloud ices
M. K. McClure, W. R. M. Rocha, K. M. Pontoppidan, N. Crouzet, L. E. U. Chu, E. Dartois, T. Lamberts, J. A. Noble, Y. J. Pendleton, G. Perotti, D. Qasim, M. G. Rachid, Z. L. Smith, F. Sun, T. L. Beck, A. C. A. Boogert, W. A. Brown, P. Caselli, S. B. Charnley, H. M. Cuppen, H. Dickinson, M. N. Drozdovskaya, E. Egami, J. Erkal, H. Fraser, R. T. Garrod, D. Harsono, S. Ioppolo, I. Jiménez-Serra, M. Jin, J. K. Jørgensen, L. E. Kristensen, D. C. Lis, M. R. S. Mccoustra, B. A. McGuire, G. J. Melnick, K. I. Oberg, M. E. Palumbo, T. Shimonishi, J. A. Sturm, E. F. van Dishoeck, and H. Linnartz
Nature Astronomy, 7, 431 (2023) [doi] - Simulation of solid-state phase transition in DL-methionine
S. Ghasemlou, B. Ensing, and H. M. Cuppen
CrystEngComm, 25, 3618 (2023) [doi] - Thermal Desorption of Interstellar Ices: A Review on the Controlling Parameters and Their Implications from Snowlines to Chemical Complexity
M. Minissale, Y. Aikawa, E. Bergin, M. Bertin, W. A. Brown, S. Cazaux, S. B. Charnley, A. Coutens, H. M. Cuppen, V. Guzman, H. Linnartz, M. R. S. Mccoustra, A. Rimola, J. G. Schrauwen, C. Toubin, P. Ugliengo, N. Watanabe, V. Wakelam, and F. Dulieu
ACS Earth Space Chem., 6, 597 (2022) [doi] [pdf] - Infrared free-electron laser irradiation of carbon dioxide ice
S. Ioppolo, J. A. Noble, A. Traspas Muiña, H. M. Cuppen, S. Coussan, and B. Redlich
J. Mol. Spect., 385, 111601 (2022) [doi] [pdf] - Methoxymethanol formation starting from CO hydrogenation
J. He, M. A. J. Simons, G. Fedoseev, K. Chuang, D. Qasim, T. Lamberts, S. Ioppolo, B. A. McGuire, H. M. Cuppen, and H. Linnartz
Astron. Astrophys., 659, A65 (2022) [doi] - Energy Transfer and Restructuring in Amorphous Solid Water upon Consecutive Irradiation
H. M. Cuppen, J. A. Noble, S. Coussan, B. Redlich, and S. Ioppolo
J. Phys. Chem. A, 126, 8859 (2022) [doi] - IRFEL Selective Irradiation of Amorphous Solid Water: from Dangling to Bulk Modes
S. Coussan, J. A. Noble, H. M. Cuppen, B. Redlich, and S. Ioppolo
J. Phys. Chem. A, 126, 2262 (2022) [doi] - A non-energetic mechanism for glycine formation in the interstellar medium
S. Ioppolo, G. Fedoseev, K. Chuang, H. M. Cuppen, A. R. Clements, M. Jin, R. T. Garrod, D. Qasim, V. Kofman, E. F. van Dishoeck, and H. Linnartz
Nature Astron., 5, 197 (2021) [doi] - Quantification of the Role of Chemical Desorption in Molecular Clouds
A. Fredon, A. K. Radchenko, and H. M. Cuppen
Acc. Chem. Res., 54, 745 (2021) [doi] [pdf] - Molecular dynamics simulations of energy dissipation on amorphous solid water: testing the validity of equipartition
Adrien Fredon, Gerrit C. Groenenboom, and Herma M. Cuppen
ACS Earth Space Chem., 5, 2032 (2021) [doi] [pdf] [Supplement] - Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Energy Dissipation on Amorphous Solid Water: Testing the Validity of Equipartition
A. Fredon, G. C. Groenenboom, and H. M. Cuppen
ACS Earth Space Chem., 5, 2032 (2021) [doi] [pdf] [Supplement] - On the mechanism of solid-state phase transitions in molecular crystals - the role of cooperative motion in (quasi)racemic linear amino acids
M. M. H. Smets, E. Kalkman, A. Krieger, P. Tinnemans, H. Meekes, E. Vlieg, and H. M. Cuppen
IUCrJ, 7, 331 (2020) [doi] - Formation of COMs through CO hydrogenation on interstellar grains
M. A. J. Simons, T. Lamberts, and H. M. Cuppen
Astron. Astrophys., 634, A52 (2020) [doi] - Infrared Resonant Vibrationally Induced Restructuring of Amorphous Solid Water
J. A. Noble, H. M. Cuppen, S. Coussan, B. Redlich, and S. Ioppolo
J. Phys. Chem. C, 124, 20864 (2020) [doi] - Robust thermoelastic microactuator based on an organic molecular crystal
Y. Duan, S. Semin, P. Tinnemans, H. M. Cuppen, J. Xu, and T. Rasing
Nature Comm., 10, 4573 (2019) [doi] [pdf] - The rich solid-state phase behavior of L-Phenylalanine: disappearing polymorphs and high temperature forms
H. M. Cuppen, M. M. Smets, A. M. Krieger, J. A. Van den ende, H. Meekes, E. R. Van eck, and C. H. Görbitz
Cryst. Growth Des., , acs.cgd.8b01655 (2019) [doi] - The Rich Solid-State Phase Behavior of DL-Aminoheptanoic Acid: Five Polymorphic Forms and Their Phase Transitions
M. M. H. Smets, M. B. Pitak, J. Cadden, V. R. Kip, G. A. de Wijs, E. R. H. van Eck, P. Tinnemans, H. Meekes, E. Vlieg, S. J. Coles, and H. M. Cuppen
Cryst. Growth Des., 18, 242 (2018) [doi] - Inhibition of the vapour-mediated phase transition of the high temperature form of pyrazinamide
M. M. Smets, G. Baaklini, A. Tijink, L. Sweers, C. H. Vossen, C. Brandel, H. Meekes, H. M. Cuppen, and G. Coquerel
Cryst. Growth Des., 18, 1109 (2018) [doi] - THz Generation and Detection by Fluorenone Based Organic Crystals
M. Savoini, L. Huber, H. M. Cuppen, E. Abreu, M. Kubli, M. J. Neugebauer, Y. Duan, P. Beaud, J. Xu, T. Rasing, and S. L. Johnson
ACS Photonics, , acsphotonics.7b00792 (2018) [doi] - Molecular dynamics simulations of energy dissipation and non-thermal diffusion on amorphous solid water
A. Fredon and H. M. Cuppen
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 20, 5569 (2018) [doi] - Polymorphism of the quasiracemate d-2-aminobutyric acid:l-norvaline
M. M. H. Smets, E. Kalkman, P. Tinnemans, A. M. Krieger, H. Meekes, and H. M. Cuppen
CrystEngComm, 19, 5604 (2017) [doi] - Sensitivity Analysis of Grain Surface Chemistry to Binding Energies of Ice Species
E. M. Penteado, C. Walsh, and H. M. Cuppen
Astrophys. J., 844, 71 (2017) [doi] - Energy Dissipation and Nonthermal Diffusion on Interstellar Ice Grains
A. Fredon, T. Lamberts, and H. M. Cuppen
Astrophys. J., 849, 125 (2017) [doi] - Grain Surface Models and Data for Astrochemistry
H. M. Cuppen, C. Walsh, T. Lamberts, D. Semenov, R. T. Garrod, E. M. Penteado, and S. Ioppolo
Space Sci. Rev., 212, 1 (2017) [doi] - Surface astrochemistry: a computational chemistry perspective
H. M. Cuppen, A. Fredon, T. Lamberts, E. M. Penteado, M. Simons, and C. Walsh
Proceedings the Int. Astronomical Union, 13, 293 (2017) [doi] - Energy barriers and mechanisms in solid-solid polymorphic transitions exhibiting cooperative motion
J. A. van den Ende, B. Ensing, and H. M. Cuppen
CrystEngComm, 18, 4420 (2016) [doi] - Understanding the single-crystal-to-single-crystal solid-state phase transition of DL-methionine
M. M. H. Smets, S. J. T. Brugman, E. R. H. van Eck, P. Tinnemans, H. Meekes, and H. M. Cuppen
CrystEngComm, 18, 9363 (2016) [doi] - Report on the sixth blind test of organic crystal structure prediction methods
A. M. Reilly, R. I. Cooper, C. S. Adjiman, S. Bhattacharya, A. D. Boese, J. G. Brandenburg, P. J. Bygrave, R. Bylsma, J. E. Campbell, R. Car, D. H. Case, R. Chadha, J. C. Cole, K. Cosburn, H. M. Cuppen, F. Curtis, G. M. Day, R. A. DiStasi o Jr, A. Dzyabchenko, B. P. van Eijck, D. M. Elking, J. A. van den Ende, J. C. Facelli, M. B. Ferraro, L. Fusti-Molnar, C. Gatsiou, T. S. Gee, R. de Gelder, L. M. Ghiringhelli, H. Goto, S. Grimme, R. Guo, D. W. M. Hofmann, J. Hoja, R. K. Hylton, L. Iuzzolino, W. Jankiewicz, D. T. de Jong, J. Kendrick, N. J. J. de Klerk, H. Ko, L. N. Kuleshova, X. Li, S. Lohani, F. J. J. Leusen, A. M. Lund, J. Lv, Y. Ma, N. Marom, A. E. Masunov, P. McCabe, D. P. McMahon, H. Meekes, M. P. Metz, A. J. Misquitta, S. Mohamed, B. Monserrat, R. J. Needs, M. A. Neumann, J. Nyman, S. Obata, H. Oberhofer, A. R. Oganov, A. M. Orendt, G. I. Pagola, C. C. Pantelides, C. J. Pickard, R. Podeszwa, L. S. Price, S. L. Price, A. Pulido, M. G. Rea d, K. Reuter, E. Schneider, C. Schober, G. P. Shields, P. Singh, I. J. Sugden, K. Szalewicz, C. R. Taylor, A. Tkatche nko, M. E. Tuckerman, F. Vacarro, M. Vasileiadis, A. Vazquez-Mayagoitia, L. Vogt, Y. Wang, R. E. Watson, J. de Wijs, G. A. a nd Yang, Q. Zhu, and C. R. Groom
Acta Cryst. B, 72, 439 (2016) [doi] - Low-temperature chemistry between water and hydroxyl radicals: H/D isotopic effects
T. Lamberts, G. Fedoseev, F. Puletti, S. Ioppolo, H. M. Cuppen, and H. Linnartz
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 455, 634 (2016) [doi] - q-GRID: A New Method To Calculate Lattice and Interaction Energies for Molecular Crystals from Electron Densities
N. J. J. de Klerk, J. A. van den Ende, R. Bylsma, P. Grančič, G. A. de Wijs, H. M. Cuppen, and H. Meekes
Cryst. Growth Des., 16, 662 (2016) [doi] - Do solid-to-solid polymorphic transitions in DL-norleucine proceed through nucleation?
J. A. van den Ende, M.M.H. Smets, D.T. de Jong, S.J.T. Brugman, B. Ensing, P.T. Tinnemans, H. Meekes, and H. M. Cuppen
Faraday Disc., 179, 421 (2015) [doi] - Understanding the Solid-State Phase Transitions of DL-Norleucine: An in Situ DSC, Microscopy, and Solid-State NMR Study
M. M. H. Smets, S. J. T. Brugman, E. R. H. van Eck, J. A. van den Ende, H. Meekes, and H. M. Cuppen
Cryst. Growth. Des., 15, 5157 (2015) [doi] - Spectroscopic constraints on CH3OH formation: CO mixed with CH3OH ices towards young stellar objects
E. M. Penteado, A. C. A. Boogert, K. M. Pontoppidan, S. Ioppolo, G. A. Blake, and H. M. Cuppen
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 454, 531 (2015) [doi] [adsabs] - Long-timescale simulations of H2O admolecule diffusion on Ice Ih(0001) surfaces
A. Pedersen, L. Karssemeijer, H. M. Cuppen, and H. Jónsson
J. Phys. Chem. C, 119, 16528 (2015) [doi] [arXiv:1502.04962] [adsabs] - CO Diffusion into Amorphous H2O Ices
T. Lauck, L. Karssemeijer, K. Shulenberger, M. Rajappan, K. I. Oberg, and H. M. Cuppen
Astrophys. J., 801, 118 (2015) [doi] [arXiv:1502.07772] [adsabs] - Thermal H/D exchange in polar ice - deuteron scrambling in space
T. Lamberts, S. Ioppolo, H. M. Cuppen, G. Fedoseev, and H. Linnartz
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 448, 3820 (2015) [doi] [arXiv:1502.03584] [adsabs] - Evaluation of all-atom force fields for anthracene crystal growth
P. Grančič, R. Bylsma, H. Meekes, and H. M.M. Cuppen
Cryst. Growth Des., 15, 1625 (2015) [doi] - Experimental evidence for glycolaldehyde and ethylene glycol formation by surface hydrogenation of CO molecules under dense molecular cloud conditions
G. Fedoseev, H. M. Cuppen, S. Ioppolo, T. Lamberts, and H. Linnartz
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 448, 1288 (2015) [doi] - A method distinguishing between guest molecules that can form sI, sII, and sH hydrogen clathrates
A. A. Atamas, S. W. de Leeuw, and H. M. Cuppen
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