Molden command line flags

Molden command line flags

The Xwindows version of Molden should lets you dynamically change settings, unfortunately for some features this is not yet implemented. Those features can be controlled by command line flags. Molden currently supports the following commandline flags:


-a	no automatic cartesian -> zmat conversion
-b	use orbitals of first point on opt. runs
-c0.5	change depth of shading
-d	print debug information
-e	DMAREL INPUT: Use est set of parameters
-f	PDB: build connectivity from cartesian coordinates
-g	PDB: always calculate Helix/Sheet information
-geom XXXxYYY-xxx-yyy	
                        XXX and YYY are the size of the window
                        xxx and yyy are the position of the window
-h	print commandline flags
-hoff	switch of hydrogen bonds
-hdmin x	mininum hydrogen bond distance (Ang)
-hdmax x	maximum hydrogen bond distance (Ang)
-hamin x	mininum hydrogen bond angle (Degrees)
-hamax x	maximum hydrogen bond angle (Degrees)
-i opt	fdat files:
			opt=1 standardise H-C, H-N
			opt=2 1 + standardise phenyl rings
-j num	maximum number of gifs to write
-k num	select color of labels (0-15)
			(gmolden only).
-l	dont display molden logo
-oppp	change default plotfilename from 'plot' to 'ppp'
-n	dont add hydrogens to PDB fil
-m	turn off the beep sounds
-p2.0	change default perspective value from 0.3 to 2.0
-r fname	read file with per line;
		atom color(1-15) VandeWaalsRadius, (- = skip)
-s4.0	scale amplitude in normal vibrations
-u	With GAMESS-US optimisation output, molden
		generates a z-matrix, instead of reading from output
-v	print verbose information
-w opt	write all points of a movie to a file:
		opt specifies format; xyz(=1) zmat(=2,mopac) VRML2.0(=3)
-x file	read in file with spherical atomic densities
-y 1.0	threshold for printing displacement vectors
			of normal modes to postscript file
-z	create high quality opengl coils

-A	Keep order of atoms when creating a Z-matrix
-C	Color postscript (default=mono, except for PDB)
-D opt	DMA mode:
		0 = atomic sites only (default)
		1 = atomic+halfway-bond sites
		2 = no shift of overlap dens. of conn. atoms
-E	DMAREL input: use coordinates from multipoles
-G 0.6	Grid width colour coded ESP potential map
-H	GAMESS-US: do normal modes when HSSEND=.TRUE.
-I	dont use shaders, if available
-L	display both neg. and pos. contour in space
		plot of the laplacian
-1	use only the lower half of the cubic grid
		used for the space type plot
-2	use only the upper half of the cubic grid
		used for the space type plot
-M	MonoChrome postscript
-N	Check for mpi, to run ambfor/ambmd in parallel
-O	switch off multiple structures handling
-P	PDB: treat all input files as PDB files
-Q	support for older StarNet xwin32 (ver. 6)
-R npts	adjust the gridsize in points
-S	start with shade off
-T	treat all input files as TINKER xyz files
-U	do not use opengl shaders
-V fname    VRML density filename
-W	Write VRML2.0 instead of VRML1.0
-X	When reading XMOL cartesian format
-Z	Map the Z-matrix file mapfile onto crystal
		mapfile contains Z-matrix followed by keyword
		MAP and per line an integer that maps a
		Z-matrix line onto a cartesian line
-=	Use gamess-us dialect of gaussian zmat writing
